Kata M. Kállai (b. 1987) is a Budapest based artist. She holds a Master in Media Design from Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design. She is a member of Studio of Young Artists’ Association since 2014 and MŰTŐ collective since 2018. Her recent studies have allowed her to gain knowledge in 3D modeling and animation. Her main fields of work are video art, digital art and multimedia installation. Her projects aim to answer contemporary questions and create speculative dimensions. The majority of her work reflects on present-day processes that are familiar for all, but difficult to convey and interpret through current structures. Her artistic workflow includes filtering these concepts through personal existential anxiety concerning the future. Her work relies heavily on research, often using sociological methodology.

She aspires to apply research in order to create material that can also be used for informative, educational purposes. From her perspective, despite artworks being subjective products, they also need to articulate some kind of question, criticism or correlation so that they can generate value other than mere aesthetic quality. Her current focus is on the apprehension of certain economical processes and the criticism of consumer society, including e.g. the nature of consuming media and images; and the visual vocabulary that emerges from mainstream visual culture.